Touching the Unconscious with SE and "Clay Field"-Work
Prof. Heinz Deuser (DE)
Freischützgasse 1
8004 Zürich
Dr. Peter A. Levine
Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. (USA) is the originator and developer of Somatic Experiencing® and the President of the Foundation for Human Enrichment. He holds doctorate degrees in both Medical Biophysics and Psychology. During his forty plus year study of stress and trauma, Dr. Levine has contributed to a variety of scientific, medical, and popular publications. His best selling book, Waking the …
Prof. Heinz Deuser
Prof. Heinz Deuser is the founder and developer of the "Work on the Clay Field®"- method (Arbeit am Tonfeld®), which he has been continuously developing since 1972. From 1989 to 2005, he taught at the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences, where he contributed his many years of experience to research and teaching. At the same time, he is involved in the international dissemination of the …
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