NARM - Training

Neuroaffective Relationship Model (NARM) 2-year training course for healing developmental trauma (4 modules with a total of 20 days)


Date: Module 1:
27 May 2026 – 31 May 2026
Module 2:
11 Nov 2026 – 15 Nov 2026
Module 3:
7 Apr 2027 – 11 Apr 2027
Module 4:
1 Sep 2027 – 5 Sep 2027
Time: jeweils 10.00 - 13.00 Uhr
und 14.30 - 17.30 Uhr
Teacher: Michael Mokrus (DE)
Conditions: practicing SE-, psycho- or body therapists
Language: German
Costs: CHF 5'280.00

(1320,- CHF pro Modul)

Course location: Zentrum für Innere Ökologie

The NeuroAffective Relationship Model (NARM™) is an advanced training for psycho- and body psychotherapists, psychiatrists and Trauma therapists.

NARM deals with relationship and attachment traumas and works with early, unconscious patterns of Disconnect, which affects our identity, emotions, physiology, deeply influence behaviour and relationships. NARM integrates both a psychodynamic and also body-centered approach and is a comprehensive theoretical and clinical model for working with Developmental traumas. NARM is based on psychodynamic models such as attachment and object relation theory, somatic models and character structure approaches, in order to investigate the mutual interaction of psychological issues and the body. NARM describes a new approach to relationship-oriented work in the present moment in the context of interpersonal neurobiology. This is a resource-oriented, non-regressive, non-cathartic and ultimately non-pathologizing model. Based on mindfulness, reflection and acceptance, NARM supports a non-Western Alignment with the nature of the personality. To learn how to one works with these different elements at the same time, is a fundamental change, which has profound clinical implications for healing of complex traumas and the support of the personal and relationship growth.

Course objective

In the NARM Practitioner Training you learn:

  • The various skills required to work with development vs. shock trauma; when and why shock-trauma interventions may be contraindicated when dealing with Developmental trauma works.
  • How to understand the complex interplay of dysregulation of the nervous system in connection with identity distortions, such as e.g. toxic feelings of shame and guilt, low self-esteem chronic self-condemnation and other psychobiological symptoms.
  • How to work step by step with early adaptive survival styles which were once life-saving, but which have now become the current experience of of the patients.
  • When to use "bottom-up", when "top-down" and how to deal with both at the same time, in order to meet the special challenges of to counteract developmental traumas.
  • How to help patients with mindful and sustainable processes in can assist in the desidentification of identity bias.
  • A new, coherent theory for working with affects and Emotions, which aims to complete their psychobiological to support.
Target group The further training is aimed at people in psychotherapeutic professions. Certification

The NARM Practitioner certification is issued by Dr. Laurence Heller, NARM International.

Requirement for certification, 10 individual sessions accompanying the training and 10 supervision hours with accredited assistants and Trainers.


After the online registration the course instructor will send you a questionnaire for your orientation

Michael Mokrus

Michael Mokrus has been working as a freelancer in his own practice since 1989. As a trainer, lecturer and supervisor he teaches various mindfulness-based body-, psycho- and trauma-therapeutic approaches for people in therapeutic professions.
Since 2003 he is continuously in the supervision team of SOMATIC EXPERIENCING (SE), since 2012 in the teaching team of NARM and ISP. Michael is …

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