Sadness, Joy and the Authentic Self
Seestrasse 53 - 55
6353 Weggis,
Tel: +41 (0)41 392 03 92
Please book your room directly at Hotel Rigi
What is hidden behind any form of grief is a deep sense of sorrow and great suffering. Together they often block the lively and creative forms of expression that lie within us. However, this emotional pain can also lead to joy and vulnerability if it is experienced in a safe way and met from the heart and at eye level. C.G. Jung views this as the great awakening, which also brings forth a new sense of clarity. Great strength and an enormously expanded resilience then often emerge from the depths of our own inner source. Participants in this training led by SE pioneer Peter A. Levine will learn to walk this path.
In looking for solutions that will truly help us move forward we have to go to the deep, fundamental strata of life. Based on Hexagram 48 from the I Ching, the Chinese book of wisdom, Peter A. Levine believes that we must not stop at merely changing the place, the people or the culture when deeply rooted emotions demonstrate the power and intensity with which they are attached to us. It is the dynamics of grief and sorrow in particular, as they pull us inwards with their pain, that call for a different approach and different solutions.
«Grief is love that doesn't know where to go.»
Peter A. Levine
If we know how to go about it, it is not that difficult to gradually bid farewell to grief and sorrow, lessen their emotional impact and power and transform them into vitality and joie de vivre.
From the instructor’s point of view we must first find safe ground for ourselves and then visit the place of pain from there. There, in contact with the emotional charge that will inevitably make itself known, we experience the intensity of the raw power that is hidden there. It is a force that can easily pull us off the path we need to take in order to free and live our authentic selves. By cultivating basic SE principles such as titration, pendulation, SIBAM, coupling dynamics and joining, the immense pain inherent in sadness and grief (which is often a bit more hidden) can consciously and gradually, slowly, be touched. By moving through it, we can also open to joy again and reunite with the Authentic Self.
Finding a new identity is the goal
What is embedded in this multi-layered inner process is the challenge of changing one’s personal identity. The experience of trauma and the hidden forces of grief, suffering and sorrow in it have made a person into what they deem themselves to be.
Changing this belief (“This is who I am”) and finding a new identity, in which joy, well-being and goodness are the vital ingredients, requires excellent external and internal guidance. In this workshop Peter A. Levine will present seven portals or dimensions of grief in his approach to changing deep-seated grief.
The prerequisite for participation in this exciting training is the completion of the first SE training year.
Dr. Peter A. Levine
Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. (USA) is the originator and developer of Somatic Experiencing® and the President of the Foundation for Human Enrichment. He holds doctorate degrees in both Medical Biophysics and Psychology. During his forty plus year study of stress and trauma, Dr. Levine has contributed to a variety of scientific, medical, and popular publications. His best selling book, Waking the …
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