The Pelvis and the Core of Our Embodiment


Date: 8 – 9 November 2025
Time: 10.00 - 13.00  and 14.30 - 17.30 
Teacher: Dr. Darrell Sanchez (USA)
Conditions: Tuning Board Basic Class completed
Language: English translated into German
Costs: CHF 520.00

The pelvis can be referred to as the seat of embodiment in that it houses the body’s center of gravity. It is the durable bowl of bones that protects the delicate and essential organs of the lower abdomen. It is designed to allow subtle movement between the bones that make up the pelvis and permits a caressing and stable motion to the organs of elimination and reproduction. In the chakra system the pelvis relates to the first chakra of survival at the pelvic floor and the second chakra of sexuality below the navel.

The sense of grounding and power transmitted through the feet and legs travels to the mid-station of the body at the pelvis. It is here that nerve signals are picked up from that movement and stimulate the proprioception at the hip, sacrum and lumbar spine joints and the lower viscera to continue to the spinal cord and brain. At the end of the coccyx is the ganglion of impar, the convergence of the right and left sympathetic neural tracts. These neural sensations and the associated information from our experiences in the pelvis are important in telling us we are connected to the earth and confident about where we are and how to respond to our world.

The pelvis can be the site of much trauma and stress from such experiences as, child birth, automobile accidents, sexual abuse, falls, surgery, childhood psychological conditioning, etc. As such, we can lose the normal movement and healthy sensations related to balanced pelvic function. But the pelvis is also a primary region of power, intimacy, breath and mobility. The pelvic floor is home to some of the most sensitive neurology of the body. The pelvis is not supposed to be fixated at one level with no movement for many hours a day as is common in our modern world of office chairs.

There is so much movement in and through the pelvis that is not commonly considered. It is movement that lends itself to such familiarity to that which the Tuning Board evokes. The Tuning Board sends waves of motion up through the legs and into the pelvis. That motion shows how the pelvis moves or doesn’t move with the waves being delivered by the movement from below. This can clearly show how free or restricted the pelvis is. From here we can work with the information that emerges in the individual’s awareness.

Upcoming  Introductory classes:
The Body in Tune

November 9 – 10, 2024

Dr. Darrell Sanchez

Darrell Sanchez, PhD, LPC is a licensed somatic psychotherapist, Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Rolf Movement Practitioner, Craniosacral Therapist, Certified Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner and former trainer, and professional dance instructor and performer.He has been studying, practicing, teaching, and performing in the movement and healing arts since 1974. The common thread woven through …

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