Emotions and Delvelopment

Marianne Bentzen's View on Early Neuro-Affective Dynamics


Date: 7 décembre 2023
Heure: jeudi, 18h00–20h30
Gestion : Marianne Bentzen (DK)
Langue: Anglais traduit en allemand
Coûts: CHF 120.00
Lieu des cours: Online

In this evening class, the Danish expert in neuro-affective development will offer a brief introduction into the early phases of the human development. She will talk about the groundbreaking insights that we can get from working with the triune brain approach - if all three parts are really well understood.

When we are working with trauma, fear and high stress states, we need to know how to work with the autonomic nervous system.
However, when working with attachment and interaction dynamics we need to know about the development of the emotional processes and problems of the limbic system. Finally, identity issues and thought patterns need us to know something about how to navigate the prefrontal system.

Marianne Bentzen will present each of these levels, give a short exercise and take questions. For those who want to know more of this amazingly detailed world and knowledge can be part of her special neuro-affective development training - beginning in January and taking place for the first time in Switzerland.

Marianne Bentzen

Marianne Bentzen a obtenu son diplôme de psychomotricienne en 1980, a cofondé le Bodynamic Institute en 1985 et a été membre du corps professoral international et directrice de la formation pendant 13 ans.
Elle a quitté le B.I. en 1997 et a depuis développé des formations et des consultations en psychothérapie neuroaffective. Elle enseigne actuellement en Scandinavie et en Europe et a …

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