Skills for the Assisting and Supervising Role in Trainings


Date: Teil 1:
13 Jan 2024 – 14 Jan 2024
Teil 2:
2 Mar 2024 – 3 Mar 2024
Time: each 10:00–17:30
Teacher: Dr. Jim Feil (USA)
Language: English translated into German
Costs: CHF 1'180.00

This course is also recognised as assistance training.

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There are quite a few challenges for assistants in training groups, for example:

to accompany groups with clear attention, intention and focus,

to identify dynamics early on and to master them elegantly,

to support students in class on the level at which they are learning,

not to run into the projection trap,

not primarily wanting to demonstrate your own knowledge,

taking the supervision position in accompanying students.

All of these topics are part of the three evenings and one weekend with Dr. Jim Feil.

Dr. Jim Feil

Jim Feil, MA, DC, RPP, RCST has been in the field of complementary health care since 1970. He began his career in the healing arts by studying with Dr. Randolph Stone, founder of Polarity Therapy, from 1970 to 1973. He began practicing Polarity Therapy in California in 1973, and started teaching and training therapists in 1976. He was one of the founding directors of the American Polarity …

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