The liberation of the connective tissue Bodywork in trauma resolution
11 – 13 September 2022
(Sunday - Tuesday)
(Sunday - Tuesday)
Dr. Sônia Gomes (BRA)
English translated into German
CHF 750.00
Course location:
Zentrum für Innere Ökologie
Freischützgasse 1
8004 Zürich
Freischützgasse 1
8004 Zürich
SOMA is a modern, innovative and integrative accompanying form for
people of all ages and builds on fundamental principles from the
SOMATIC EXPERIENCING (SE), the polyvagal theory, structural
Integration according to Ida Rolf and education through movement (Hubert Godard)
on. This introductory course is a prerequisite for the 16-day
SOMA training with the internationally active teachers Sonia Gomes and
Marcelo Muniz. Central to the SOMA work is the increased
EMBODIMENT, the greater embodiment of every human being - no matter which
Fate he brings with him.
This course is the introductory course for the 4-part special training with Sônia Gomes:
SOMA - The transformation of emotional trauma through targeted touch and movement
- Summary of the work of Peter A. Levine (SE), Stephen Porges (polyvagal theory), Ida Rolf (structural integration), Hubert Godard (Tonic Function movement system)
- Traumatic experiences and their effects on body, state of mind and brain
- Embodiment = A path to trauma resolution and self-regulation
- Embryological development and spatial orientation, connective tissue and gravitational field
- Inner and outer orientation through movement in the gravitational field
- The application of the polyvagal theory in touch work
- Body perception and body language (interception, exteroception and proprioception)
- SE-Demos about the connection of touch and movement with intuition and resonance
- Practice specific treatment sequences for the construction of body stability with regard to space, balance, erection and Movement patterns
This course is the introductory course for the 4-part special training with Sônia Gomes:
SOMA - The transformation of emotional trauma through targeted touch and movement
The next training will start on March 18 - 21, 2022
Dr. Sônia Gomes
Sônia Gomes is known worldwide at the international SE – Somatic Experiencing´s community for her love and caring, the mastery of SE and body therapies, her wonders in demos and personal sessions. Clinical Psychologist/Advanced Structural Rolfer, Movement Teacher. She is among the few qualified to teach Advanced SE. She adopts a multidimensional integrative approach to her teaching, …
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