Working with Traumatised Children at School
Forschen, Bewusstheit und Achtsamkeit als Gegenwelt zum Trauma

Working with traumatized children and adolescents can present quite a challenge to teachers, parents and therapists. How difficult it must then be for the adolescents to deal with this chaotic state of body, mind and spirit, without understanding what is going on with them or why this is so, and without understanding themselves or the world around them. We as adults can show them how to get out of this situation.
In this workshop the participants experience and learn ways, traumatized children and adolescents on the mental, physical and spiritual level.
Ayelet De Picciotto
Ayelet De Picciotto, MA in Clinical Psychology, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner who is working in Israel and in Europe with populations under stress, combining mind, body and spirit for the purpose of finding inner peace and inner guidance in order to live from our full potential.Ayelet worked as a psychotherapist in therapy centers in California, Tokyo and Hong Kong prior to her return to …
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