Ariel Giarretto

Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT, co-founder of the “Full Embodiment Model”--  has been working in the field of body-oriented trauma healing for over 30 years. She is senior faculty for Somatic Experiencing International, and is a certified Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker. She has been involved in conscious sexuality, open relationships, and LGBTQ+ communities for many decades. Throughout the 90’s she was on staff at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California as a workshop and group leader, a private therapist and part of the bodywork and massage crew.

Her programs support individuals and couples desiring fuller embodiment, trauma healing, sexual or intimacy enhancement, as well as those who have experienced sexual abuse, sexual dysfunction, gender-based violence or discrimination, infertility, and traumatic births. She has presented trainings to Ukrainians and other countries affected by war rape and assault. She has extensive training in pre and perinatal therapy with Ray Castellino, as well as attachment theory and childhood developmental trauma. Originally from San Francisco area, she currently lives in Denmark.

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