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Lightning on the Horizon

Lightning on the Horizon

Trauma and the Human Condition: Volume V
ISBN: 978-1530192748
CHF 23.00
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This current volume is the fourth in a series of Trauma and the Human Condition "blooks" (blogs + books) which are essentially a compendium of monthly online blogs, offered during the calendar year through the auspices of the Western Institute for Social Research in Berkeley, California, since 2011.

While most entries within this year’s collection have been posted throughout the year, some have been expanded and updated, as new information has become available. Given that I am a systemically oriented social
traumatologist, my overall focus has remained, for the most part, upon issues having to do with social and global traumas which contribute to the ongoing process of increasingly rapid social change, due to globalization and the Internet; in conjunction with transnational, corporate and state-sponsored communication and surveillance technologies.

Veranstaltungen mit Dr. Anngwyn St. Just

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